Get In Touch
Plot # 1SP, Sector 27, Golf Course Rd, A Block, DLF Phase 1, Sector 27, Gurugram, Haryana 122022, India

#103, 2nd floor, Unitech Coral Hosa Road, Sarjapur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035, India
Work Inquiries
+91 9999212010
+91 9019321894
+91 98686 57429

Apps Discover

Apps Discover Premium Mobile Ad Network offers the most preferred online affiliate programs & affiliate marketing products which help Advertisers across multiple industrial backgrounds to advertise their service offerings & track mobile ad campaigns in the easiest way possible. Our quality traffic drive is exponentially useful to them.

We maximize ROI with quality traffic, global reach, and engaging AD formats that offers a great experience to our audiences that lets them bookmark us for more.


The goal was to design a modern style for the brand and help to enter the global market, as well as enhancing users’ loyalty to the product. Using a wealth of data from Facebook and Instagram, we identified that users wanted a personalized approach to their shopping experience. We created a brand identity that would appeal across cultures through intensive research and user testing.

Visual Identity

Our branding experts began working on their brand visual identity, and we were looking for a unique idea that could bring trust into the logo. As mentioned previously, they wanted to illustrate the idea of multi-sidedness and that they work with clients both directly and indirectly. In order to do this, we had to find a unique way to express this in their logo design.

Color palette

SCSS var

R 42
G 56
B 128


SCSS var
$color-Princeton Orange

R 243
G 121
B 32

Princeton Orange

SCSS var

R 0
G 0
B 0




Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.

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