Egot Pro
Egot makes the latest personal technology accessories available. We aim to be the most significant player in the Indian market, a household name with young, highly tech-savvy Indian consumers, and a brand Indians are proud of.
Our main challenge was creating a unique logo representing such a global brand. Another issue was that the logo did not make any trademark or copyright issues. So, after crafting the initial logo design, we went into deep research to determine whether there is a similar logo in the industry. Even though The task was humongous, we were able to accomplish it with the help of Egot’s legal team. Once satisfied that we were not copying anyone and were unique, we decided to fine-tune the logo and complete it. We created the logo as a small case E resembling a headphone. Once we overcame this challenge, another challenge was creating a visual identity suitable for both Eastern and western audiences. Creating an identity that meets global standards was crucial for brand expansion.
Evolution of visual language
We began our collaboration with the Egot team by focusing on refining and refreshing their logo. The founder was open to exploring new colour schemes and experimenting with an additional design element that could enhance the brand’s visual identity. Our primary goal was to create a modern, fresh mark that aligned with the overall look and feel of the business while remaining true to its core values. We took a step-by-step approach to achieve this, starting with a deep dive into understanding the brand. During the initial phases, we engaged in discussions with the team to identify the critical aspects of the business. This included understanding its mission, target audience, and the emotions the brand wanted to evoke. From these insights, we collected attributes that reflected the brand’s essence.

Brandbook Stage

Primary 1 | ◯ |
HEX Code-#f23334 | |
R 242 | C 0 |
G 51 | M 93 |
B 52 | Y 84 |
K 0 |
Venetian Red
Primary 2 | ◯ |
HEX Code-#000000 | |
R 0 | C 75 |
G 0 | M 68 |
B 0 | Y 67 |
K 90 |
Secondary | ◯ |
HEX Code-#FFFFFF | |
R 255 | C 0 |
G 255 | M 0 |
B 255 | Y 0 |
K 0 |
With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.
Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.
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Visual Identity