Tiger Logistics
Tiger Logistics Ltd.
Adobe Suite
Project Overview
Tiger Logistics India Limited, founded in 2000, is a premier international logistics provider offering a wide range of services, including freight forwarding, transportation, and customs clearance. Over the years, the company has achieved several key milestones: it started as a Custom House Agent, ventured into multimodal transport in 2004, got listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange in 2013, and crossed INR 600 crore turnover by 2022. In 2023, they launched FreightJar, a digital freight booking platform, further cementing their leadership in the logistics industry. With over 24 years of experience, the company specialises in freight forwarding, transportation, and customs clearance across diverse sectors, including automotive, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, and more. Milestones include establishing a nationwide presence, an asset-light business model, and offering personalised logistics solutions. Tiger Logistics is renowned for cost efficiency, transparency, and a robust global network, setting new standards for international trade.

Logo Concept
We were sure about the logo from the beginning; we knew it had to be in the shape of logistics elements, and the client was also with us on this. However, we subtly incorporated it into our final design rather than directly using a truck or a container as a logo.

Brand Value

Logo Grid

Our procedures are straightforward, and our communications are clear.
We find the right solution – and the right price — for each customer’s business.
Our networks link people, packages and information around the clock and worldwide.
Color palette
Primary 1 | ◯ |
HEX Code – #f7c400 | |
R 247 | C 4 |
G 196 | M 22 |
B 0 | Y 100 |
K 0 |
Golden Poppy
Primary 2 | ◯ |
HEX Code – #2A2522 | |
R 42 | C 67 |
G 37 | M 65 |
B 34 | Y 67 |
K 71 |
Raisin Black
Secondary | ◯ |
HEX Code – #e5e4e5 | |
R 229 | C 229 |
G 228 | M 228 |
B 229 | Y 228 |
K 228 |
Plus Jakarta Sans
With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.
Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Design Essence
As we have been told, we spent considerable time observing the operations at Tiger Logistics. At Creative Nexus, while preparing the design, we always ensure it reflects the brand image. We incorporated our learnings in the brand design and ensured that it truly reflects what Tiger Logistics offered.
Design Concept
Our design concept was based on the innovative smart logistics solutions provided by Tiger Logistics. We want to show in our design how Tiger Logistics converts the whole process into one seamless flow for the customers.
Design Keywords
Design keywords are an essential part of the brand image. The words that one chooses reflect brand value, feel, and mood. We select keywords that reflect how Tiger Logistics is the leading brand in this field and a pioneer of innovation in the logistics industry.
The brand icon of Tiger Logistics starts with a rectangle, symbolising a global logistics container. The design is detailed, carefully examining angles, space, and edge finishing. The iconography includes all images and symbols used on the website and in marketing materials. When used correctly, these icons communicate complex ideas clearly and quickly without needing words.

Brand Stationaries